Thursday, March 09, 2006

Back to baby issue...

As I told you before, it's better to vary a little, not only babies, not only is babies' day.

Today I've been thinking a lot in the getting-pregnant thing. That's because yesterday we went out with some friends: single, non-babies' friends for a change. It was a really nice and fun evening, so then I got to think I fit more with these people than my usual lots-of-babies friends.

So I started to relax, I believe I stopped worrying about my current status (of, as someone said in her blog, 25% pregnant, 75% non-pregnant) for about 2 hours and enjoyed our actual lifestyle.

But then, Mrs. Always Worrying (me) started to think that maybe it wasn't so bad if I don't turn out pregnant this month (of course, it was just a one milisecond thought that crossed my mind). But then again, I realized it's not having or not having babies what makes the difference among my friends, but the way you face things. I believe with or without children, we will always fit more among our more relaxed friends, who can talk about a LOT of stuff, not only nannies and whatsoever.

Anyway, it was good to have seen these friends, because now I feel pretty confident that I will, in fact, be patient enough to wait until I'm at least 2 days past my period day (see? I'm still anxious! told you!).

But, of course I'm very aware of any sympthoms I may get. My boobs are really sensitive (I don't think they're bigger though), I have little cramps some times, still peeing a lot (in that particular sympthom I'm trying to discover whether it's just because of the water-coffee I drink, that always makes me pee inmediately, or there are times when there shouldn't be pee, and there is haha), REALLY tired (specially today considering I went to bed at 1.30 in the morning), and I think that's about it. The "fluid" issue is not clear, sometimes there is a lot, sometimes nothing at all, so I haven't figured out that yet.

So here I am now, 12 dpo that could be only 8 dpo in the worst of the cases (my longest cycle ever has been 32 days, but on special circumstances, so this month shouldn't be the case). I think I'll wait til monday to start thinking about a test.

I still don't want to be "precautious" with the non-smoking, non-coffee stuff, maybe I'm being irresponsible, but I think it's like a (didn't find the word in english) "cábala", it's the typical thing that you do for "good luck", how do you call that? Well, the thing is I'm trying to cheat on myself, making my body think I'm not anxious, so then he (body) can relax and think "ok this girl is ok to have a baby, because she's not anxious"...hahahaha LOL (as blogger Ben told me!). Of course, as soon as I know something, I will be a good girl and follow all the how-to-be-pregnant rules, don't worry! (I'm not drinking anything though, but that's also because of a diet I'm in, a pretty equilibrated diet by the way).

More news, soon as I get something!


At 11:26 PM, Blogger lorem ipsum said...

I like the 25/75 idea!

I don't know if there is a word in English for cábala. You can have a talisman or totem, which is an item that is meaningful to you in a way a good-luck charm would be, or you can be superstitious, but to my knowledge there is no word in my language for that beautiful word in yours.


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