Wednesday, March 08, 2006

About my family

Well, now you've seen them, now I can talk about them. I hope this time not to be so boring!!!!

As you can well imagine, we are really close to each other, like a "bunch". Things have started to change a little, after I got married, then my brother, so now we see a little less, but anyhow, a LOT.

See, here in Chile most people live in the same city as their relatives (because half the country lives here in Santiago, so it's not so difficult!). Also, almost everyone lives with their parents until they get married (on the last few years there has been more young adults who go to live by theirselves). So in a lot of ways, chilean youth is pretty inmature compared to those in USA.

So I get to see my family almost every weekend (well and I work with my dad also, so I see him here sometimes).

Ok. My family. Apart from being close, we are very "confronting" (it's ok to say that?), I've always thought we have italian genes hidden somewhere, because we talk loud, really loud, everyone tries to make him/herself listened to, so meals with my family are a little chaotic (have you seen "my greek weeding" or something like that? well, we are a little like them!! my father laughed A LOT when he saw that movie). My husband's family is pretty quiet, so he gets a little dizzy when he's with my family, trying to understand what on earth are we talking about. haha.

For me, my mom is REALLY important, I talk to her on the phone EVERYDAY, sometimes more than 1 time, we've always have been really good friends, it's cool to have a mom like mine.

My little and only sister is another one that's SO important, we share a bond that I think no one can understand (I mean those who have sisters can understand, but for example SIL thinks she can just "replace" me....ha haha...should know better), when I still lived with my parents, I used to go to her bedroom and we would talk for hours!!! even if my dad would come many times to tell me she had to sleep. Now my little sister has a boyfriend, who is really nice, by the way, they've been going on for almost a year now!!

My brothers ok, it's a little different with brothers I think, with my big brother we were pretty close when we were little, but also we have always fighted, A LOT. My biggest traumas are thanks to him and his "I'm ashamed to be your brother, you're SO ugly, you're SO fat". etc etc...And also, as I told you, he's a borderline, so it's really complicated to understand him.
My other brother, Frank, he's a lot like me, very responsible, he studied the same as me (and as both my parents), he now works at a huge wine company (ever seen "Gato" wine?). Joaquin is like the "hippie" one of the family, meaning he's RELAX made person, never stresses, never knows anything, most of his clothes have holes somewhere, looses everything, and he's pretty funny!! My smallest brother is adorable, only he's now entering the teenager phase, so he's a little exhausting!!!

My father, it's strange, he's not the hugging-kissing type you know? very "cold", but he has his own way of loving us, always a present father, always in some sport with one of my brothers, totally faithful to my mother, etc. He's really important to me, but in a strange way, it's like whay he says matters A LOT to me, but on the inside you know? on the outside it seems I couldn't care less...a therapist I went once told me that, that I was really close to my father, even if I didn't think so haha.

Well SIL: I think I will have to make a special post for her haha. Definitively. It was getting too long, so I copied somewhere else.

Other SIL (girlfriend) she's pretty nice. At first I didn't like her, because my brother had another girlfriend for some 4 years and we got along VERY well, so I didn't want him to change her. But now that I know her more, she's pretty cool.

Next post, SIL!!


At 11:37 AM, Blogger Greg said...

This post is great... I like the fact that you are like an open book for all to read...


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