Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I got it: progesterone problems

You know I'm an hypocondriac. So I'm constantly worrying about possible illness I can have.

With this strange spotting thing, I couldn't come to a realistic "un-normalness", but suddenly it hit me. Once I took some anticonceptives pills that had too little progesterone. Result: spotting almost the whole cycle.

So now I though, maybe that's it: low progesterone levels. So I googgled it. And found it: "good and bad spotting". And it was there, very clear: implantation spotting does not last more than one day. Spotting for more than 1 day about a week before period means that possibly progesterone levels are low, and this can affect fertility AND can provoke early m/c.

I really started to panic, thinking that maybe for how long I've had these progesterone levels, and that maybe it could have saved me a lot of struggling!!!!

Well, I know I'm overreacting a little, I checked FF charts and there were a LOT with spotting for a couple of days, around the same time as mine, and that were followed by a + test. And also, the progesterone page said that if the spotting was re-current, then go and check with the doctor, and this is the first time it had happened to me.

Anyway, I'm not liking this spotting thing AT ALL, I admit many times I thought "I wish I could have that implantation spotting so many pages talk about, so I could know beforehand that I'm pregnant", it seems my prayers were heard, but not in the way I would've liked!! And the worst thing of all, spotting is still there, reminding me everytime (no, not everytime, but some times) I go to the bathroom that there's something really alarming there.

I can't understand why I keep having strange things nobody else does. I mean, people do have some spotting near their periods, and they result to be pregnant, but I've never met anyone with spotting "some" days before period. Then, people do have spotting early in their pregnancies, but most of the times they rest for a while and everything turns out ok. I couldn't manage to "not spot" for even 4 days!! (in the M/C I mean). It's like I'm dummed, always to have the f'ing spottting, sooner or later.

I'm sorry, I'm not feeling particularly cheerful right now, in fact I'm getting pretty aware that my mood is very PMS-like, which makes me in a worst mood even, so I think I'm in that "descendent spiral" or "vicious circle" that however you look at it, it gets worse and worse.

For the moment, I'm hoping 1) spotting stop ASAP, 2) (of course) I really turn out to be pregnant (I've even imagined that I'm expecting twins and that's why "implantation" has been so evident haha, poor ridiculous me) and 3) please that this doesn't mean I'm having hormone problems or (worse) that the stupid myoma is starting to get on my way!!!

Conclusion: I really don't have a bit of patience!!!


At 7:29 PM, Blogger lorem ipsum said...

Josefina, a simple blood test (I think it's right after your ovulation) can determine your progesterone level. And then, if it's low, you can take extra progesterone and be crazy like me. :-)

At 8:48 PM, Blogger Student said...

Like Lorem said: bug your doc for the blood test. Be sure to do it 7 days past ovulation. It's called the 21 DPO test but not everyone ovulates on CD14! On the other hand, my best friend spots 2-3 days before her period starts and she did that with all her pregnancies. So the spotting may just be normal for you. But it's definitely something to check out!


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