Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Well, amazingly I'm only 4 days from testing day, I really can't believe time has gone by so fast!

I'm making a HUGE effort to stay calm and anxious-less, trying not to be so aware of symptoms and even if I notice something "strange", I try to put that thought in the back of my mind. I'm really behaving like a good girl LOL.

And of course, there's the trip issue that has kept my mind totally busy, but well, I'm working on that now. I'm concentrating in thinking that I'm not that important that everything has to happen to me you know? So why should I be the one "marked"? It's really difficult, specially given the fact that I'm always thinking about tragic things that could happen to me or my loved ones, only because there are things that've happened to others. Of course, there's nothing that special with me that will prevent me from having bad times, but most likely I won't be part of "spectacular tragedies". Hopely!

Will keep you informed!


At 6:47 PM, Blogger lorem ipsum said...

With my first pregnancy, I was on vacation and didn't even notice the symptoms. Well, I did, but I didn't think about them. I thought it was just travel exhaustion and too much rich food!

Keeping busy is a must. However, it is rare that we can uphold that level to the point where we just don't think about it.

I hope your four days go by quickly!


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