Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Today I woke up in a bad mood, mainly provoked by my excess of sleepiness.

So, I turned an important part of my grumpiness to E, who received "free" unpleasant comments such as "be careful not to spill toothbrush all around the bathroom" (because I noticed a spot (that was probably left by me), and everything regarding teeth and toothbrush and toothpaste makes me a little uncomfortable), and "are you deaf or what? I've been calling you for an hour (twice)".

Anyway, E is really patient with me, but my last comment just "crossed the line" (I won't get in details here), so we went all the way to my office (he left me here) totally quiet, which REALLY upsets me because I like to sort things out by talking, but E simply shuts up and if I start talking, it's worse, so I have to bite my tongue.

Well, the discussion isn't all that the point. I don't like the idea of "fighting" in the middle of my fertile days. Yes, I'm an insensitive person that cares for that kind of things instead of the fight itself. But I can't help it. It's not like "well yeah, didn't work out this month, next month will be", I mean come on! We all know TTC is not as easy as it seems, so why minimize even more the chances just for a stupid comment!!

OK, I'm exaggerating a little, I'm CD 12 today only, but anyway I don't like to loose the "one day yes one day no" routine, that I've heard it's the best way to TTC.

I hope we can work it out during the day!!!

P.S.: nothing of this would've had happened if it weren't for the loooong boring movie we watched last night "in her shoes". It has its moments, but in general, I would've preferred to sleep a couple more hours and had avoided this stupid discussion!


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