Thank you all for your support, I really really appreciate it so much.
And Lorem I totally agree with you, bloggers that I read have gone through really tough times so we are in the same spot.
I think we all have our ups and downs, today I feel a little better, even though last night and this morning E and I discussed a little, because he felt uneasy about the way we were living. Well, not just like that, but yesterday he met a friend (to see a soccer match, E is a really soccer fan), and this friend, out of the blue, asked E if my parents had been the ones to finance our wedding, that (on E's friend words) was so classy and all. Stupid friend asking such unuseful things (hey, what do you care anyway!!), and E had to explain that no, that he had paid for his part, and the friend continued "but how on earth did you pay it!"...oh my God, what is it with this people, what do he care!! I insist!!! Well, and E explained that he had asked for a loan (I learned that word, or more like it, I remembered it!) in the bank and all.
But after that conversation, E felt uncomfortable, because according to him, he shouldn't be living the way we are, that maybe he doesn't deserve it and I got a little angry, because all was about that stupid "resented" (how do you say when someone is so envious of people of upper classes, that they "despise" them and talk bad about them?) friend, now he feels unsecure. So we talked a lot, and finally he calmed down.
See, as in Chile the gap between upper and lower classes is so big, there is a lot of envy, resentment, clasism, so it's so chilean to judge you for anything. You get a nice car and the comments are "ohhh so now you're all snobbish living the rich and famous life", you have a nice wedding and "ohhh how did you pay for that". Instead of being happy that the other person is doing well and all, they make you feel bad. That really pisses me off. I've come to not care about those comments (not because I'm all that high class and all, but I've heard those comments so much in my life that now they don't affect me anymore), but to E, it's still something that bothers him a lot, because he still can't believe that there's nothing wrong with living "well" and that the problem is that people are envious.
Well, but back to the point.
So now, post-discussion, we are all "love and peace", you know what I mean? So e-mails come and go "I love you so much, we have to be together in good and bad times" and things like that.
And we really mean it! At least, this discussion made me realize that we are indeed very lucky, that we have a wonderful marriage, we don't have any illness or things like that, we have so many beautiful things in our life (not material, I mean friends, family, etc.), that now I feel confident and happy...and ready to "make our homework" the TTC subject.
Got to go to a meeting! Thank you again for your support!
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