Sunday, May 07, 2006

Yes, it's here...

My period I mean.

I got it today finally. I was really starting to believe there was actually "something there", because it was CD 31, and that's not usual for me.

But no, there it came, very evident in fact.

Well, I've had a "swingy" day, I've been very sad at times, but E has been really really great, supportive, understanding me, and really cute with me. So that has made me be a little calmer and happier, because I'm so so so happy to have a husband like mine.

That's the news for today. We've already agreed that this month will be "like monkeys" (sex like monkeys, it's like an expression here), as tired as we may be.

See ya'!!


At 1:36 PM, Blogger Michele C said...

So sorry Josefina! I hope next month's "monkey strategy" is sucessful! Keep the faith.


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