Tuesday, November 07, 2006


So I've been using my Clearblue Fertility Monitor for 15 days now, but I'm a little skeptical about it. Why could that be? You may ask...

Thing is, it showed me peak fertility on days 13 and 14...how could I be THAT regular!!!! I mean, I am indeed pretty regular, but I still have my doubts about the monitor. I've read everywhere that it measures your hormones, so it should be right!!

Maybe I was just hoping my lutheal phase was shorter or longer than I thought, and that was keeping me from getting pg (you know, bad timing). But it seems I have an average lutheal phase, average cycle, normal ovulation (apparently)....so why haven't I gotten pregnant!!!!

Well, I know there are a lot of other possibilities: some blocking somewhere, "bad" eggs, wrong pH....and then of course, male factors: low sperm count, poor movility, "bad" sperms....but apparently there's nothing wrong with us (having gotten pg once)....

It's probably just bad luck, or too much stress...I don't know. I only know that this month we really made an effort to cover all the bases...and by effort I mean REAL effort. For example yesterday neither of us where "in the mood", in fact E was feeling really bad, with a headache, nausea, and was very very tired....but we brought ourselves to it, barely, but well, I hope it's worth it!!!

Now the waiting starts...

I would appreciate, in the meantime, if someone could tell me if the fertility monitor really measures your hormone levels or does it shows you your fertile days in day 13 and 14, always? Have any one used it?
And another question I've been thinking about for some time. How do you count the time you've TTC? I mean, if you skip one month, the next month is again month 1? or you add it up to the months you've been TTC before?
Let me tell you my TTC history:
- May 2005 to August 2005: pregnant on month #4 and early m/c
- Oct 2005 and Nov 2005: TTC without success
- Dec 2005 - Jan 2006: no TTC because of my new job (even though we had sex on CD14 at the end of january, but it was the one time)
- Feb 2006 - May 2006: TTC (4 months)
- Jun 2006: due to family problems (my brother in jail remember?), we skipped that month
- Jul 2006 to today: TTC (5 months counting this one)

So if I sum it up, there are 15 months, but with those "holes" in between, I get confused about probabilities, you know what I mean? I've never been more than 5 months in a row TTC, so I don't know if that's the problem or I have to consider that I've been TTC 15 months? Does anyone knows about this?
I'm probably being ridiculous to try to find excuses, maybe not wanting to accept fully my IF, but still I get the doubt. Well, I hope we don't skip more months now so I can do a normal count. LOL!!!



At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never used the fertility monitor but from what I've heard it can take several months for it to "learn" your cycles. Until then, it will assume a textbook 28 day cycle with ovulation on day 14 and a 14 day luteal phase. Next month you may get different results as the computer factors in the results of this month.

As for your not getting pregnant so far.... I can't remember your age exactly but I think you are in your 20s? I personally would say not to be too awfully worried. I would keep using the fertility monitor and get a better idea of exactly when you ovulate and how long your LP is. The other thing to consider is a popular plan called "the sperm meets the egg plan" (http://www.pregnancyloss.info/sperm_meets_egg_plan.htm). I've heard lots of success stories with this plan. It uses OPK sticks but you should get the same info from your monitor. I would say give it another 3 months or so. If you monitor still shows that you're "trying" at all the right times, then I personally would consider going ahead with the HSG for peace of mind. Plus for the boost in fertility that it will give you.

Just my thoughts... for what they're worth. I know it's frustrating and you really want to do something to make it happen. Hang in there and good luck with the monitor.


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