Monday, January 22, 2007

U/S #3!!

Hi everyone!
I just came back from my 13 week u/s, and I must say, everything looks great!!
I was so overwhelmed to see an actual baby that I didn't even cry! I was more like in shock.
So size is ok, there's no apparent problem, and well, everything's right on track!

I really feel very very relieved now, I know there's always a tiny risk and all, but seeing that the baby is growing fine and his/her heart beating and everything makes everything so more real.

I still can't quite believe the idea of having a baby in my arms (hopefully) in 6 months, it's very surrealistic and yet so incredible!

So now I'm very very happy, with the only "black spot" in my life that is my mom, who's not talking to me...all because I told her some truths about her life, but still, it's been more than a week and it wasn't anything that traumatic. Anyway, I'm a little sad because she's missing this important event in my life, all because her stupid pride and resentment. I already said I'm sorry, tried to get together, but she still can't forgive me...if there's anything to forgive by the way.

So well, I'll try to enjoy despite her stupidity, and finally, she's the one missing it, not me!!!

See ya!


At 5:40 PM, Blogger Student said...

Glad to hear everything is looking great. Hope you can patch things up with your Mom. Life's too short to spend it in pointless squabbles. :-)

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Dr. Grumbles said...

Congratulations on seeing a healthy baby growing inside you! So amazing!

Hopefully, your mom will come around. Babies are exciting for grandmothers too!


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