Life goes on...
I've realized nowadays I'm writing a lot less than at the beginning..but my life isn't that much interesting lately.
It's not that I'm bored or anything, but things are going pretty smooth, and I'm really ok with it.
Some news:
1) I've decided (again) to stop worrying about TTC...I really think I will succeed this time, because this month, for the first time in a LOT of months, I'm sure I'm not pregnant (we stopped trying for this month, remember), and even though in my fertile days I was a little anxious, it really released a lot of the pressure I had. E and I talked about it and he told me some things that made a lot of sense to me. It's like sometimes I get so obsessed with something, that I loose the whole point of it. So finally my life was only about "getting pregnant", whatever it took. And to begin with, we're conceiving a life!!! It's not like "I want a new car"'s a human!!! So now I think I'm focused again, and I hope this will make things a lot easier!!!! In fact, no more temping for me, no more FF...of course I will keep track of my dates and all, but I'll try to relax a little more!!! I'll tell you how it goes!!!
2) As I'm no longer jealous of my SIL, I'm starting to get pretty excited about having a niece, so I started knitting!!! I'm making a blanket, very very pretty, and I'm planning on making her a pink sweater when I finish the blanket. I'm pretty happy about it!!!!
3) I'm getting a little tired, this time of the year is when I crave for vacations...winter, cold days, rain...really makes me want to stay at home!!!! But after july, things start to look better again, I have one of my best friend's wedding, then the baby...and then springtime, birthdays, longer days...LOL
4) Remember my friend F?? I don't know if you remember, is this great friend I've had since I was 13, but she's so egocentric that I'm having trouble keeping that friendship. Her last "hit": although she never calls me, some weeks ago she called me out of the blue, in the middle of the day (she's a doctor, currently doing her specialization, so she works all day), and didn't tell me anything special. "how've you been?" and that kind of conversation. It was the week my brother was in jail, but I didn't really feel like telling her about it. First, because I was at the office and didn't want someone to listen (eventhough I have a private office, the door is always open!), and second, she's very "gossiper" (you know that people who are always telling you "did you know X blablabla"), so I didn't want the whole city to know about it.
Well, the other day my mom tells me (this is kind of complicated to explain, because it's pure she told me that you told me that he told me....stuff) that her best friend, C, told her that D (my friend F's mom, who's friends with my mom and her friend C) knew all about my brother, because A (my soon to marry friend) told F about it, and F told her mom D. Did you get it??? So I call my friend A to see why she told F...and she told me the following: turns out my mom's friend C told F's mom (D), who told F called me JUST TO SEE if I told her what she already knew (she was hoping I'd tell her "my brother is in jail" and she'd been like "really!! I had no idea!!"), just to feel better I think. So as I didn't tell her anything, she was a little upset with me...can you believe it!!! (well, thing is A did tell her "did you know what happen to josefina?" and F told her "yes, C told my mom").
I'm really sad, because AGAIN it was all about her. I mean, if she already knew, she could have told me "I know what happened, how are you doing? do you need anything", but not call me to SEE if I would tell her!! And then get angry because I told A and not her!!!! Yes, she sound like a 5 year old!! And how can she be SO self-centered!!!! I mean, I was having a rough time!!!!
I'm really really dissapointed with this friend...because she has no space in her mind to worry about ANYTHING but herself!!!! This confirms me, once again, that you can tell good friends from bad ones, when you're having bad times...I mean, A called me everyday to see how was I and my family, my other friend C, also called me EVERYDAY...but really amazes me how does she pretend I will tell her my intimate things if she calls me ONLY when she thinks she can get something from me (gossip or whatever she needs), and never once asks me how I am (you know, the real question, like from the bottom of the heart, not the "hi how are you" question). She can only think about her wedding (totally imaginary for the moment), her being a doctor, and nothing else!!!!
Well, the only thing that prevents me for deciding not to be friends with her anymore is that I've been friends with her for 15 years, so there is a lot of memories, and of course I care about her, but I can't consider her my "best friend" as before, don't you think?
So, finally I wrote a lot!! I've forgotten to write about F, but there you got it!!!!
Got a meeting so I got to run!
See ya!!